The beloved manga Oshi no Ko, written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, has a new gift for its fans. The story, centered on the reincarnated twins Aqua and Ruby Hoshino, children of the legendary idol Ai Hoshino, has now expanded into a live-action adaptation streaming on Prime Video with Kazunari Ninomiya joining the show as Kamiki Hikaru. The drama has been building up to its conclusion, with the follow-up film, Oshi no Ko: The Final Act, set for release on December 20, 2024.
Drama Intensifies: Aqua’s Revenge and Kamiki Hikaru’s Introduction
Episodes 7 and 8 of the live-action series, released on December 5, peel back the layers surrounding Ai’s tragic death. As Aqua delves deeper into uncovering the truth, he names Kamiki Hikaru as a key figure. This plants a growing desire for revenge inside him.
Fans were thrilled to learn that the acclaimed actor Kazunari Ninomiya has been cast as Kamiki Hikaru.
Ninomiya himself shared his thoughts on the challenging role, stating
“I understand that opinions will vary, but I wanted to bring something positive for the fans who were eager to see who would play Kamiki. If my involvement adds meaning to the project, then my purpose has been fulfilled.”
Producers Praise Ninomiya’s Bold Performance
Producer Takayuki Imoto commended Ninomiya’s dedication, noting,
“He dyed his hair and brought Kamiki Hikaru’s ‘righteous lies’ to life with both precision and boldness. His performances are unforgettable.”
Additionally, young actor Soya Kurokawa has been announced as portraying the character’s younger self.
A Final Look: Trailer Launches for The Final Act
To coincide with this casting announcement, the official final trailer for Oshi no Ko: The Final Act has been released on YouTube. The trailer offers fans a tantalizing glimpse into the culmination of this gripping tale.
Kazunari Ninomiya’s Comment
“I joined this project with deep respect for Oshi no Ko. All cast and staff share this sentiment. I hope viewers enjoy the series and film in their own unique way.”
Producer Takayuki Imoto’s Comment
“The final addition to our team is Kazunari Ninomiya. His portrayal of Kamiki Hikaru is both meticulous and daring. I will never forget his commitment to each scene.”
🎥 Watch the final trailer for Oshi no Ko: The Final Act here:
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